UNM Department of Computer Science Placement Survey

Please fill the form out carefully and accurately. Your CS advisor will be checking your responses against your transcripts. We will work with you to get you into the class that is the best fit. Thank you and welcome to UNM Computer Science!

First Name:
Last Name:
UNM email:

Did you take any information science courses in high school or at another institution?
Note: these classes are not required. Select all that apply:
    Introduction to Information Science
    Computer Literacy
    Introduction to Microsoft Word, Excel, or Power Point
    Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or similar

    If you checked other, please describe the class here. Also, please provide a brief description of any information science classes you think may be relevant to your CS placement here. Include the semester the class was taken and the grade you received for each class.

Did you take any computer science (CS) courses in high school or at another institution?
Note: these classes are not required. Select all that apply:
    AP Computer Science A
    AP Computer Science Principles
    Computer Science for All
    Introduction to Computer Science (Albuquerque Public Schools Career Enrichment Center)
    Introduction to Computer Science (Any other school or program)

    If you have previously taken a computer science course, please provide a brief description of it here. Include the semester the class was taken and the grade you received for each class.

Do you have other relevant computer science experience?
Select all that apply:
    I have programming experience in Java
    I have programming experience in C
    I have programming experience in C++
    I have programming experience in Python
    I have programming experience in Javascript
    I have programming experience in HTML/CSS
    I have programming experience in PHP and MySQL
    I am comfortable with the Linux or Unix operating system

    Please provide a summary of any experience you checked above.
    Also, add any additional information you think is relevant to your placement here.

Please select the class you think is most appropriate for you, given your previous experience