CS152 Fall 2021
Computer Programming Fundamentals
How to Change the First CS Class You're Enrolled In
- Fill out the survey on this page. The results will be emailed to you, the undergrad committee chair, and the CS department advisors. The survey allows us to process requests in an organized and consitent manner.
- Email one of the CS advisors to request admission into the class you feel is most appropriate.
- Your request will be processed. It will probably be approved and you will be allowed to register for your approved class. You will get a follow up email if it seems like you may be asking to be admitted to the wrong class.
- Register for your new class and drop the original one. Note: start going to the new class as soon as you can, but also make sure to keep up with work in the original class. Make sure you don't miss anything before the transition is approved.
- For admission into CS251, you will also need to get approval from Joseph Haugh (glue500@unm.edu). Forward him your survey results along with your request.
- Thanks and welcome to the CS department!