Seamless/Seamful HTI Workshop
May 17th and 20th, 2021
Organizers |
Leah Buechley, University of New Mexico |
Carlos Busso, University of Texas at Dallas |
Cynthia Rudin, Duke University |
Hong Z. Tan, Purdue University
Participants |
Alicia Berry, Facebook Reality Lab |
Dan Bohus, Microsoft |
Kayla Desportes, New York University |
Laura Devendorf, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Casey Fiesler, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Juan Pablo Hourcade, University of Iowa |
Louis-Phillipe Morency, Carnegie Mellon University |
Sile O'Modhrain, University of Michigan |
Mari Ostendorf, University of Washington |
Eric Paulos, University of California at Berkeley |
Hanspeter Pfister, Harvard University |
Xiangshi Ren, Kochi University of Technology |
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland |
Norbert Streitz, Smart Future Initiative |
David Traum, University of Southern California |
Matthew Turk, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago |
Fernanda Viegas, Google |
Adrian Weller, University of Cambridge |
Marcelo Worsley, Northwestern University
Student Assistants |
Elektra Caffrey, UNM |
Reuben Fresquez, UNM |
Jiachang Liu, Duke |
Franklin Pezzuti-Dyer, UNM |
Lesia Semenova, Duke |
Amy Traylor, UNM |
Chudi Zhong, Duke |